Non-Member 5785 High Holiday Fees 

2024/5785 Or Zarua Non-Member High Holiday Fees

NOTEOur 2024/5785 High Holiday services will be offered in a Hybrid fashion,
both at Old Haverford Friends Meeting House and on Zoom.

Two Adult all High Holidays Family Package  (for all HH services - RH1, RH2, and Kol  Nidre/Yom Kippur Day)

Includes a household of two adults and your children/grandchildren of all ages (allows for Zoom locations in different homes)  


One Adult all High Holidays Family Package  (for all HH services - RH1, RH2, and Kol Nidre/Yom Kippur Day)

Includes a household of one adult and, your children/grandchildren of all ages (allows for Zoom locations in different homes) 



Two Adult One-Day HH Ticket Package   (for one HH day only - RH1, RH2 or Kol Nidre/Yom Kippur Day)

Includes a household of two adults and your children/grandchildren of all ages (allows for Zoom locations in different homes) for one day of High Holidays



One Adult One-Day HH Ticket Package   (for one HH day only - RH1, RH2 or Kol Nidre/Yom Kippur Day)

Includes a household of one adult and  your children/grandchildren of all ages (allows for Zoom locations in different homes) for one day of High Holidays



 One Day Individual Ticket (for one HH day only - RH1, RH2 or Kol Nidre/Yom Kippur Day)

Includes one person only (aged 18 and above) for one HH day (RH1, RH2, or Kol Nidre/Yom Kippur Day)


To pay by credit card, click here.

If paying by check, checks should be made out to:

 Beloved Builders

Include in the Memo section:  Or Zarua & indicate you are paying for HH tickets

Send to:  Rabbi Shelly Barnathan/Or Zarua

1734 Ridgeway Road

Havertown, PA. 19083

Note - All Non-Member 2024 High Holiday Fees 

may be applied toward Or Zarua Membership through December 20,  2024