
June 2024 Nature Walk at Haverford College

Pride Shabbat, 2024- Marissa, Molly and R. Shelly

June, 2024 Qigong with Beth Berman at Rabbi Shelly's home

June, 2024, Cyd Weissman presents for Tikkun Leyl Shavuot

Dare to Undersand Awards, June 2024. Yasher Koach to Margie Scharf, on her Dare to Understand Award! 

Friends supporting Margie and Abby!

Molly Hicks sings at the Interfaith Philadelphia Dare to Understand Awards 

Yasher Koach to Abby Staelman Hocky of Interfaith Philadelphia and all of the Dare to Understand award recipients!

Creativity Workshop with Carol Cole, May and June, 2024

Carol C. teaches and guides us.

Song, Silence and Sanctuary, June, 2024.

Music with Marvin and Ethan

Baking Hamantaschen for our beautiful OZ Shalach Manot baskets! 

Purim 2024!

Purim enjoyed by all!

Torahs in our Or Zarua Sukkah . 

Reverend Margaret and Interfaith Alignment in our Sukkah.

Interfaith Sukkot in the Barnathan Sukkah... Songs by Molly.

Irma says - Don't forget to vote!!!!