Membership Fees 5784/2023-2024
Or Zarua 2023-2024/5784 Membership Fee Information
Please contribute at the highest level possible for you,
to support our holy work and to allow all who are interested
to become Or Zarua members.
Click Here for OZ 5784 2023/2024 Membership Signup
Unique to Or Zarua, Membership includes High Holiday attendance and all OZ offerings
for you, your children and grandchildren of all ages.
PATRON MEMBERSHIP - Highest Level of Support for Or Zarua
Patron Membership includes a household of up to two adults, plus your children and grandchildren of all ages. Includes High Holidays and all Or Zarua programming.
Plus 18 Free, Pre-Paid OZ Donations to be sent per your direction throughout the year.
Allows you to make 18 free, pre-paid donations in honor/memory of family, friends, and community members.
Patron $ 2500 (additional $525 to be matched by our Donors)
Family Membership - Primary Membership at Or Zarua
Includes a household of two adults, plus your children and grandchildren of all ages. Includes High Holidays and all Or Zarua programming.
Visionary $ 1975 (additional $450 to be matched by our Donors)
Sustaining $ 1675 (additional $150 to be matched by our Donors)
Basic $ 1525
Individual Membership - Primary Membership at Or Zarua
Includes a household of one adult, plus your children and grandchildren of all ages. Includes High Holidays and all Or Zarua programming.
NOTE: Non-member spouse/partner must pay separately for Or Zarua services, programming and offerings.
Visionary $ 1275 (additional $300 to be matched by our Donors)
Sustaining $ 1075 (additional $100 to be matched by our Donors)
Basic $ 975
Associate Family Membership - For those who have a primary membership at another synagogue/community
Includes a household of two adults, plus your children and grandchildren of all ages. Includes High Holidays and all Or Zarua programming.
Visionary $ 1375 (additional $250 to be matched by our Donors)
Sustaining $ 1225 (additional $100 to be matched by our Donors)
Basic $ 1125
Associate Individual Membership - For those who have a primary membership at another synagogue/community
Includes a household of one adult, plus your children and grandchildren of all ages. Includes High Holidays and all Or Zarua programming. NOTE: Non-member spouse/partner must pay separately for Or Zarua services, programming and offerings.
Visionary $ 1075 (additional $250 will be matched by our Donors)
Sustaining $ 925 (additional $100 will be matched by our Donors)
Basic $ 825
Distance Membership - Only for those who live outside of the Tri-State Area (outside of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware). Take 15% off the OZ Membership level you have chosen.
Click Here for OZ 5784 2023/2024 Membership Signup
Please sign up by August 2, 2023
Dues payments may be made by Check or Credit Card.
Checks - made out to Reconstructing Judaism/Or Zarua
sent to:
Rabbi Shelly Barnathan/Or Zarua
1734 Ridgeway Road
Havertown, PA. 19083
A 3.3% transaction fee will be added to membership dues paid by Credit Card.
To pay by credit card, click here:
We prefer payment in full.
If you need to pay in installments,
there will be an overall 5% added to your dues to cover for administrative costs.
No one will be turned away based on finances.
All information and conversations are בינינו “Beynenu” –
“between us” – private and confidential.
תודה רבה